Such Is Our Lives

Image result for australian winding road

What is this we ask of life’s winding path?

This portrait which deepens with rich texture,

laid down light seeps past Fate’s inflicted grasp

and autumn’s patina quietly matures.

Friends and family gone, soaked into the weave,

such are melded into our tinted grain,

lives which imbued us and leave us to grieve.

Fleck and daub, brush and stroke – thus our form’s ordained.

So, breathe in the sea’s essence and do pause,

feel those loved lost who form the ocean’s call.

Answer with your smile and hear their applause,

the smell of brine drawn deep into your soul.

So long as we breathe and hearts do call,

so long live us and our lives enthrall.

Shredded History

Image result for Bashiqa man on horse statue

Credit:  Alaa Al-Marjani/Reuters

 Previously dominant forces

marked the land with statures

Brave warriors atop their sleek steeds

enduring symbols of power


Stone laid upon stone

by the rulers’ minions

Their sweat leached

into the each sculpted colossus


Bronzed horsemen,

stationery through centuries,

halted mid stride

in their supremacy


To mark a new power,

a contemporary behemoth,

invading hordes must obliterate

past anthropological ascendancies


Bronzed demigods must be

reduced to steel wire and rubble

This is an essential component

of the senselessness of war

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